An angel holds a small scroll and John is told to eat it. Doing so makes his lips sweet but his stomach bitter. John is told to measure the church. And two witnesses rise up, are struck down, and then rise up again. Have a listen.
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The seventh seal is opened followed by six of seven trumpets being blown by angels. There is destruction and death everywhere. Demonic hoards are released from the pit. And still, no one repents. Have a listen.
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Judgment is delayed so that the servants of God may be sealed. A great multitude is dressed in white and declaring that salvation belongs to God. And while there is great tribulation and suffering, God is wiping every tear from the eyes of the saints. Have a listen!
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Seals begin to be opened. Horses are released along with war and death. How long must we wait for God to put an end to persecution and suffering? How should we view God taking so long? And who can stand under the wrath of God? Have a listen!
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A door is open in heaven and there is a lot going on in there. Eyes are everywhere and every creature knows that God is holy, holy, holy. And there is a scroll that needs to be opened but there is only one who can do it. That one is the Lamb who was slain and yet lives forever. Have a listen!
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