A cursed fig tree, faith to do anything, mounts being thrown into the sea and the rejection of John the Baptizer. How are all of these things connected? Daniel and Erick are back from the conference in San Diego and ready to talk through all of this. Check it out!
Two blind men see without sight. People shout "Hosanna" as Jesus rides into Jerusalem. Why is this text so important and what is going on behind that strange word? Jesus makes His way to the temple and things get shaken up before we see His mercy on full display again. Reformation always gets pushback. Daniel and Erick will explain why. Have a listen!
Jesus tells a Parable about a master calling workers into His vineyard. What is the point here? How is "begrudging God His generosity" a problem for all of us? Jesus tells His disciples why he must go to Jerusalem on the Passover. A mother makes a request of Jesus and He asks a question about drinking the cup He must drink. There is a lot going on and Daniel and Erick cover it all. Check it out!