The Pharisees unsuccessfully try to trap Jesus with a question about divorce. The disciples have not yet learned that kingdom of God belongs to children. And a rich young man wants to go to heaven but thinks he is too good for it. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this.
Jesus foretells His death again, but the disciples are too busy arguing about who is the greatest to listen. Jesus uses a child to explain greatness in the kingdom of God. John is concerned about other people doing things in Jesus’ name. And Jesus tells everyone to start cutting off body parts. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this.
Jesus takes three of His disciples up a mountain and appears in glory alongside Moses and Elijah, but they don’t understand what they are being shown. Jesus finds His remaining followers unsuccessfully trying to cast out a demon. And a father believes… if Jesus can do something about his unbelief. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this.
Jesus uses spit again to heal another blind man. Jesus asks who people say He is, and Peter confesses Jesus is the Christ only to be rebuked as a theologian of glory when he opposes the coming cross of the Christ he just confessed. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this.