Jesus asks a question about who David’s son is. A widow gives an offering that makes Jesus’ point about the religious leaders. And the temple is going to be destroyed because the last days are upon us all. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen.
Jesus has been saying and doing a lot of things the religious leaders aren’t crazy about, so they try to turn the people against him through a series of tests. Jesus answers their questions in table-turning ways. And someone isn’t far from the kingdom of God. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen.
Jesus heals a blind man who has eyes of faith. People cry out “save us!” as Jesus rides into Jerusalem. The temple gets cased and then cleaned out. And Jesus curses a fig tree out of season. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this.
Peter wants to know if doing what the rich young man would not do will get him into heaven. James and John want to sit at Jesus’ right and left hand in glory. And no one understands the theology of the cross. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this.