Peter wants to know how many times he must forgive someone who sins against him. Jesus tells a parable about how much you need forgiveness and the danger of not trusting it when you receive it. Have a listen.
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Jesus will leave the ninety-nine to find one lost sheep. There is an order to how Christians are to deal with sin. Where two or more are gathered, Christ is with them. And confession and absolution are always the goal. Have a listen.
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The disciples want to know who will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus doesn’t like this question at all. Children are important to God, and all believers must become like them. And Jesus is the greatest preacher of the law who ever lived. Have a listen.
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The disciples are unable to cast a demon out of a boy and Jesus laments their lack of faith. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection again. And the temple tax is paid out of the mouth of a fish. Have a listen.
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Support 1517 This Giving Tuesday
This is Caleb Keith, director of the 1517 Podcast Network. Today, as many of you may know, is Giving Tuesday. On this special day, I have a question for you: Does this podcast bring Jesus and His Gospel of peace into your life on a regular basis? At 1517, our mission—and the mission of the 1517 Podcast Network—is to declare and defend the Good News that we are forgiven and free through the death and resurrection of Christ alone. Because of Jesus, God has made peace with you and continues to actively give you His peace. You can give by visiting or by following the link in the show notes.
Peter rebukes Jesus for speaking about what the Messiah must suffer, which doesn’t go well for him. Death to self is the only way to live forever. And Jesus is transfigured and joined by Moses and Elijah in front of Peter, James, and John Have a listen.
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The Pharisees and Sadducees demand a sign, but Jesus tells them there is only one sign coming and they won’t like it. Peter confesses Jesus is the Christ and is told this rock is what the church will be built on. Have a listen.
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A Canaanite woman cries out for Jesus to heal her daughter. The disciples want her sent away, but Jesus is going to use her faith to teach His followers how big the gospel really is. And again Jesus tests His disciples with a hungry crowd of thousands. Have a listen.
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The power of God is for your good. The Pharisees have a problem with the disciples of Jesus not washing their hands, but Jesus has a bigger problem with putting words in God’s mouth. Have a listen.
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John the Baptist gets beheaded at a birthday party. Jesus feeds 5000+ people with a few loaves and fish. And Jesus walks on the water in the middle of a storm. Have a listen.
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Giving up everything to buy buried treasure. Fishing for men. Law and Gospel. And Jesus is rejected in his hometown. Have a listen.
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It’s all parables in this episode. Weeds and wheat. Mustard seed and leaven. And secrets hidden from the foundation of the world are revealed. Have a listen.
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Jesus tells the parable of the Sower. What kind of soil are you? And what is the secret of the kingdom of heaven? Have a listen.
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A tree is known by its fruit. No sign will be given except the sign of Jonah. Unclean spirits move around waterless places. And Jesus is extending the family. Have a listen.
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Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath? Jesus doesn’t stop with just healing one person on Saturday. And there is a sin that is unforgivable. Have a listen.
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Jesus denounces the cities that have rejected him. All who are weary and heavy-laden are called to be yoked to Jesus. And the Pharisees accuse the lawgiver of being a lawbreaker. Have a listen.
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John the Baptist has questions about Jesus from prison. Jesus says the kingdom of God suffers violence and violent people try to take it by force. And Elijah has come. Have a listen.
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The Christian has nothing to fear because nothing is unknown to God. The preaching of the gospel brings salvation but also brings division. And Jesus takes everything done for those who believe personally. Have a listen.
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Wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Promised persecution. And remember, a servant is not above their master. Have a listen.
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The religious leaders accuse Jesus of being in league with the devil. Jesus says the people are shepherdless and harassed. And the Apostles are sent out to preach. Have a listen.
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Jesus answers a question about fasting. Jesus raises a religious leader’s daughter from the dead after declaring that she is only sleeping and heals a sick woman on his way to do it. And two blind men follow Jesus crying out for mercy. Have a listen.
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Some men bring their lame friend to Jesus and before healing him, Jesus forgives his sins. Matthew is called to follow Jesus and does so. And leaders are horrified that Jesus is eating with tax collectors and sinners. Have a listen.
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Some people want to follow Jesus and he has some hard words for them. Jesus makes his way to cast demons out of two men but encounters a storm at sea. And demons know who Jesus is and what he has come to do. Have a listen.
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Jesus heals a leper and tells him to go show himself the Chief Priests. A Centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant and Jesus simultaneously commends the Centurion’s faith and rebukes the faith of His own people. And Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law. Have a listen.
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How do you enter through the narrow gate? What does it mean to be known by God? Where does good fruit come from? And how is Jesus’ preaching of the Law different from that of the Scribes and Pharisees? Have a listen.
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