Everything before Christ was only a copy of things to come. Jesus’ death was final and for everyone. Eternal salvation is secured. And sanctification is locked up in the work of Christ for you. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
In this special Christmas episode, Chad Bird, Erick Sorensen, Daniel Emery Price, and Scott Keith discuss the first 18 verses of the Gospel According to John. Have a listen and Merry Christmas!
Jesus is a better High Priest bringing a better covenant. What does it mean that the covenant of law is obsolete? It’s all law and gospel and forgiveness of sin in this episode. Erick and Daniel discuss it. Have a listen!
When God swears an oath, He swears by His own name. Sometimes the promises of God require patience. And what is the connection between Jesus and Melchizedek? Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
There is no moving beyond Christ but there is a need to move on from dead works. What is apostasy? Can you repent while trusting in something other than Jesus? And God sees your love but don’t trust in it. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Rest is only entered through the door of faith but trusting in Christ alone is quite the struggle. Law and Gospel are the tools God uses to help you in this struggle. Approach the throne of grace boldly because of your Great High Priest. And Jesus is completely yours through His suffering.
Jesus is the final High Priest and the end of sacrifices for sin. When sin speaks, it’s always lying. Listening and faith are what God is looking for. And rest is all about having a God who forgives sin. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus is the author of the salvation of the world. The cross is where honor and glory is located. Jesus knows all about temptation and suffering. And don’t go back to Moses. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Erick and Daniel begin the book of Hebrews in this episode. God has given His final word in Jesus Christ. Calling Jesus the highest angel is an insult. And don’t neglect such a great and free salvation. Have a listen!
Erick and Daniel cover Paul’s letter to Philemon in this episode. It is a short letter with a lot to tell us about new birth and treating each other as members of the family of God. Have a listen!
Erick and Daniel wrap up the gospel of John in this episode. Jesus gives some fishing instructions to some of the disciples before eating breakfast with them. Peter is asked if he loves Jesus three times before being told what is ahead of him. And if John lives forever, it’s none of your business. Have a listen!
Mary Magdalene mistakes the risen Christ for a gardener until He says her name. Jesus appears to the disciples, but Thomas isn’t there and needs more than their word. Thomas gets to see Jesus and peace is the message for everyone. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
The religious leaders want Jesus’ body removed from the cross because of the Sabbath. Jesus’ side is pierced and blood and water flow out. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea care for Jesus’ body. And Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Pilate has Jesus flogged thinking this will be enough for the mob. The Pharisees play politics to get their way. Jesus is crucified and speaks to his mother and John from the cross. And it is finished. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus is questioned by the high priest and slapped by a guard. Peter denies Jesus a second and third time. Pilate is very confused about everything transpiring. And the crowd cries out for a political messiah. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus prays for you and me. Jesus is betrayed and arrested but not before He lets everyone know who He really is and does more than hint at the great exchange. And Peter wilts under the pressure of being a disciple. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus says the days of Him talking in figures of speech will be coming to an end. Living in the world is hard, but Jesus has overcome it. Jesus prays for His disciples and says He has sanctified Himself for the sake of His followers sanctification. Erick and Daniel talk about all of this. Have a listen!
If the world hated Jesus, it will also hate His disciples. The Holy Spirit is coming to comfort, convict and point to Jesus. And sorrow is going to be turned to joy. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus promises his disciples a different and better peace than the world gives. Jesus says the only thing you need to do is abide in him because apart from him you can’t do anything. Keep Jesus’ words and you will abide in his love and your joy will be full. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life… so let not your heart be troubled. You don’t throw away the words of someone you love. And Jesus promises to give you what you ask for in His name, but what do you really need? Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus says someone is going to betray Him. Satan enters Judas. Disciples will be known by their love. And Peter hasn’t failed yet, therefore he is not weak enough to stand. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Erick and Daniel are joined by Pastor Jeremy Jacoby in this episode recorded live from Summit of Peace Lutheran Church in Denver. Jesus hasn’t come to judge a whole that is already condemned. Jesus shocks His disciples by washing their feet. And if you don’t want a low and serving God, you cannot have Jesus. Have a listen!
Erick and Daniel are joined by Pastor John Hoyum in this episode recorded live from Denny Park Lutheran Church in Seattle. Some Greek men have come to see the Lord, but Jesus only wants to talk about dying. The judgment of the world is coming, but it might not look like you think. And blind eyes and deaf ears are everywhere. Have a listen!
Erick and Daniel are together at a conference discussing Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. The religious leaders are not happy that Jesus is gaining a following and decide it is time to act. Jesus rides into town on a donkey as the people cry out “Hosanna”. And we get a prophecy from an unlikely source. Have a listen!
Jesus says plainly that He is the Son of God and people want to stone Him for it. Jesus’ friend Lazarus dies but Jesus has a plan to wake him up. And the promise made to the sister of Lazarus is for every friend of Jesus. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!