Jesus gets accused of breaking the Sabbath and uses King David and the healing of a man to turn the tables on the Pharisees. Luke’s account of the Beatitudes is a little different than Matthew’s, but is the point the same? Is the law above God? Can you use the letter of the law against the spirit of it? Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
A paralytic is lowered through a roof by his friends to get to Jesus. Shocking words are spoken, and those words are then validated. Jesus calls a tax collector to follow Him which results in a large party where Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for the company He is keeping and partying when He “should” have been fasting. And we hear a strange parable about new wine and old wineskins. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus does a lot of healing in this episode. Peter’s mother-in-law is relieved of a fever. Jesus touches a man “full” of leprosy and demons keep trying to cry out who Jesus is as they are being cast out. We see the humanity of Christ on display and Peter is confronted by his sinfulness after a miraculous catch of fish. Erick and Daniel discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Jesus is led out into the wilderness to be tempted and combats the Devil with the word of God. He then reads from Isaiah in his hometown, where a riot ensues, and a demon recognizes Jesus before being cast out. Why the temptation in the wilderness? Why is Jesus so rejected in His hometown? Daniel and Erick discuss all this and more. Have a listen!