Paul and Barnabas separate in a dispute over John Mark. Timothy is introduced and for some reason Paul has him circumcised. God tells them not to preach in Asia. A woman is baptized along with her entire household. And casting out a demon gets Paul and the boys beaten and thrown in prison. Daniel and Erick discuss all this and more. Have a listen!
The early church battles legalism as the Gentiles are brought in. A council is formed and Peter takes a stand. James agrees but has some "lesser requirements." Did they get it right? Did Paul correct it later? How does the culture of the day play into this? Is it really safe to add anything to the gospel? Daniel and Erick discuss all of this. Have a listen!
Paul and Barnabas continue preaching and while the message is spreading, so is the persecution. A man lame from birth is healed and the people think Paul and Barnabas are Gods. Paul blows up any idea that there is more than one God and the Jews come in and convince the people to stone him. Paul recovers and sets up elders in the churches he has planted. Daniel and Erick discuss all this and more. Have a listen!
Daniel and Erick discuss the woman caught in adultery in a live recording from Tuscarora Conference Center. How does this trap set for Jesus work? Where is the man? What did Jesus write in the dirt? How does Jesus make the crowd leave? What is His word to sinners? Have a listen!